Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department Central Regional Operations + Maintenance Center


West Palm Beach, FL


110,000 SF

Designed within the surrounding setting of Cholee Park, Song + Associates provided the master planning and prototype design for the City of West Palm Beach. The prototype used was enhanced to include the addition of the Administration and Engineering Headquarters Building. The total project size was over 110,000 GSF. This project serves as the main hub for the northern service area for Palm Beach County.

The complex, used as an EOC site during the two 2004 hurricanes, includes a laboratory facility for both water and wastewater testing, an administrative office building, a storage building, a warehouse with loading docks, shop buildings for carpentry, welding, pump, motor, hydrant, meter and instrument repair, mini-storage buildings, vehicle wash bays and a vehicle fueling station. In addition to parking for both employees and County vehicles, there are two laydown yards for material and equipment storage.

Site circulation was designed to strategically separate private vehicles from service vehicles while providing a secure complex. Barrel tile hip roofs with large overhangs, and raised architectural banding were used to blend with the adjacent neighborhoods’ styles. The entire campus lives in dense native landscaping and undulating berms that extend along the site’s perimeter to provide separation from the adjacent property and visually enhance the site while preserving the existing natural wetlands.


PBC Supervisor of Elections


Port St. Lucie Civic Center