Indian River County Administration Complex
Vero Beach, FL
165,000 SF
Song + Associates was awarded the master site planning and implementation design of the new 165,000 GSF Indian River County Administration Complex in association with local architect Donadio & Associates. Song + Associates’ primary responsibilities were programming, master planning, architectural and interior design, quality assurance/quality control of construction documents and project management. The master site planning assessment study and programming involved meetings with users, County Commissioners, and staff members in order to understand the best method of consolidating the 14 departments and elected official functions into one building
Song + Associates’ project scope also included verification of the previous space needs study for the County, projected growth for the next five and 10-year periods, and the comparison of the existing space to the new facility. The complete master plan for the site included an in-depth analysis of the adjacent parcels, elements of phasing to incorporate the existing Health Care District Building, employee demographics, zoning, traffic patterns, and future roadway development. The new buildings consisted of three-story and a two-story elevations, which were arranged alongside the Health Care Department Building to create a new civic plaza and landmark center for governmental services. The placement of these new buildings also required environmental conservation assessments which included saving the existing historic oak trees.