Michigan Avenue Elementary School
(1st Place at FEFPA Design Awards 2021)


St. Cloud, FL


136,100 GSF (New and Refurbished)

948 Student Stations


Completed 2010

The existing old schools remained in operation in a phased manner, with the Michigan Avenue Elementary School being constructed first, then demolition of the old elementary school, followed by a similar sequence for the new St. Cloud Middle School. During construction, traffic and pedestrian movement was carefully controlled through the use of safe temporary walkway zones and repositioning offence barriers to isolate construction zones and route traffic safely.

Aesthetically, it was important to unify the complex yet achieve clearly distinct school images and well defined entrances into the two schools’ secure lobbies and administration areas. This was achieved by use of distinctive entrance forms. The material palette of concrete and glass was consistent, with subtle color differentiation between the two schools. In addition, small, intimate courtyards were provided for the elementary school to create safe tot lot and reading areas. In the middle school, a large courtyard with elevated bridge unifies the middle school and makes circulation between areas more secure and direct. Aesthetically, there are courtyard views from interior spaces such as art, teacher planning and administration.


Meadow Park Elementary School


Palm Beach Public Elementary School